Self Storage Success
Pogoda Companies helps storage owners, buyers and sellers succeed through innovative and committed brokerage and management.
“Pogoda Companies seamlessly took over management of my property in June, 2013. I was apprehensive at first, as my family and I ran the business hands on for nearly 30 years. Pogoda Companies’ professionalism quickly overcame any apprehension I had and put my family and me at ease. They delivered increased revenue that far surpassed my expectations! Pogoda Companies excels at offering extensive monthly reporting and quick response time. I found myself enjoying a lot more time with my family, worry free nights and timely distributions. My family and I have been so delighted with Pogoda, we recently signed another management contract for a second location! Life is good.”
— James Rostash
“Our relationship with Pogoda Companies has been a long and very beneficial one that goes back to 1996. Pogoda helped us with employee training, pricing, advertising, site upgrades, and much more. Their office staff is always a phone call away as is the Regional Manager. Their insistence on pushing rates has really made our business shine.
If I had to choose one word to describe Pogoda Companies, it would be PROFESSIONAL! I do business with Pogoda Companies, because I can’t afford not to.”
— James McIntyre
“I have been with Pogoda Companies since 1999. I have conducted business in various other ventures for 25+ years so I have been around the block. I can honestly say I am not easily impressed and consider few companies worthy of high praise from me. I am totally pleased with everything about Pogoda. They are a true management company and quite frankly manage my two properties better than I would myself. They are on top of trends and know when to lower and raise prices. They are worth their fee for no other reason than for me to not have to deal with employees and day to day headaches. They do a fantastic job and I am totally satisfied with them. They are professional, honest and trustworthy. What more could an owner want in a management company?”
— Mike Procaccini
“Pogoda Companies was the first company to specialize in the self storage industry in Michigan. Prior to their existence we managed our facility ourselves. We found the task to be arduous at best. We are now the second oldest self storage facility in Michigan celebrating forty years, with no end in sight, thanks to the staff, expertise, and service provided by Pogoda.
It is hard to believe but Pogoda has managed our property since January 1, 1991! Their business acumen, knowledge of the industry, and vigilance has positioned us to remain competitive even though we are not the most modern of facilities. They have helped us increase revenue and occupancy, decrease delinquencies, calm internal frustration, and most likely sleep better. We have never regretted choosing Pogoda.”
— Robert S. Schiller